Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE)

The Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) unit of Pasargad Alloy Steel Industries, while declaring its commitment to its HSE policy—aimed at the comprehensive development of the organization, preserving human dignity, and ensuring employee health by reducing risks through safety, occupational health, and environmental management—considers the participation of employees, contractors, and other stakeholders essential for achieving these goals. The unit's mission is to focus fully on the health of employees and the safety of the workplace, as well as environmental protection, emphasizing sustainable development. It commits to meeting legal, national, provincial, and regional requirements regarding HSE and has implemented the Safety and Health Management System (ISO 45001), the Environmental Management System (ISO 14001), and HSE-MS. The unit has successfully obtained certifications for these management systems.

HSE measures are as follows:



• Providing industrial safety engineering services

• Enforcing safety standards compliance by the complex's personnel and contractors in all industrial activities

• Assessing safety risks and developing control plans to reduce risk levels

• Conducting field safety inspections of various units and following up on the correction of  deficiencies

• Controlling operations and preventing accidents in work environments to minimize them

• Supervising process safety, working with heavy machinery, electrical safety, excavation and drilling safety, working at heights, warehouse safety, chemical safety, and more

• Performing safety inspections and assessments with a focus on ongoing projects

• Conducting training courses to raise personnel awareness

• Promoting a culture of safety in the workplace

Occupational Health and Safety

• Supervising the provision and maintenance of physical, mental, and social health of employees and preventing contagious and occupational diseases

• Monitoring and measuring harmful workplace factors (noise, radiation, lighting, chemicals, posture evaluation, ergonomic factors, etc.)

 • Developing and implementing health improvement programs at the level of occupational groups and individual health

• Preventing occupational hazards and reducing harmful workplace factors to create a healthy work environment

 • Assessing health risks and developing control plans to reduce risk levels

 • Supervising periodic medical examinations and vaccination of all personnel

• Inspecting personal protective equipment (PPE) and providing guidance on their proper use


• Implementing the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard

• Supervising the periodic measurement of environmental pollutants according to the     self-declaration plan

• Overseeing waste collection, waste separation, and compost production

• Managing wastewater reduction and energy consumption management


• Conducting training sessions and fire drills (all employees must be trained and ready to act correctly in the event of a fire)

• Being on standby and extinguishing various types of fires

• Rescuing victims of industrial accidents

Environmental Health

• Inspecting public places including kitchens, sports facilities, guesthouses, and recreational areas (providing necessary health recommendations and interventions)

 • Sampling water and wastewater, conducting microbial and chemical analysis, and performing chlorine testing

 • Supervising the issuance of health cards for service staff and providing them with health education

• Carrying out pest control, baiting, and disease vector management

• Identifying contagious diseases and reporting them to the health center

Emergency Services

• Providing first aid to the injured and sick people

• Caring for the injured and sick and offering primary care

• Conducting first aid and emergency training sessions


طراحی سایت: ایزی وب